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1–3 Dec 2020
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Harmonization of RBSP and ARASE energetic electron measurements utilizing ESA radiation monitor data

3 Dec 2020, 16:10
Einstein (ESA/ESTEC)




Ingmar Sandberg (Space Applications & Research Consultancy (SPARC))


Accurate measurements of trapped energetic electron fluxes are of major importance for the monitoring of the radiation belts and for the characterization of space radiation environment. We present an inter-calibration analysis of the energetic electron flux measurements of MagEIS and REPT on-board the Radiation Belt Storm (or Van Allen) Probes (RBSP/VAP) using the measurements of the Extremely High-Energy Electron Experiment (XEP) on-board ERG/Arase mission. The performed analysis demonstrates a remarkable agreement between MagEIS and XEP data for electron energies $E<1$ MeV and suggests the use of re-scaling factors for the RBSP electron fluxes accounting for electron energies from 1 to 4 MeV. The application of the derived re-scaling factors is further supported from the ESA radiation monitor measurements of the Environmental Monitoring Unit (EMU) on-board GSAT0207 and from the Standard Radiation Monitor (SREM) on-board INTEGRAL mission. The demonstrated agreement and harmonization of electron flux measurements from the science-class missions RBSP (2012-2019) and Arase (ERG) (2017-2021) supports the use of these datasets as reference for the cross-calibration of electron flux measurements acquired from space radiation monitors on-board several satellite missions the orbits of which have crossed the near equatorial orbits of RBSP and Arase missions during within the outer belt during the last decade. The creation of harmonized datasets can contribute in the accuracy and reliability of both physical and engineering space radiation environment models.

Primary authors

Ingmar Sandberg (Space Applications & Research Consultancy (SPARC)) Constantinos Papadimitriou (SPARC) Piers Jiggens (ESA/ESTEC) Mr Hugh Evans (ESA/TEC-EPS) Dr Sigiava Aminalragia-Giamini (SPARC) Alexander J. Boyd (The Aerospace Corporation) Dr Paul O'Brien (The Aerospace Corporation)

Presentation materials