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1–3 Dec 2020
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Requirements and optimization of particle detection on board LISA

3 Dec 2020, 14:10
Einstein (ESA/ESTEC)




Prof. Catia Grimani (University of Urbino Carlo Bo and INFN)


The ESA Next Generation Radiation Monitors (NGRM) are optimized for particle detection in harsh radiation environments among which we mention solar energetic particle fluxes and South Atlantic Anomaly trapped particles. These characteristics will be precious when solar energetic particle (SEP) events will be observed along the LISA orbit. However, particle monitors optimized for high particle flux monitoring in space, have small geometrical factors and, in general, do not allow for galactic cosmic-ray flux short-term variation monitoring. Forbush decreases and other, shorter non-recurrent galactic cosmic-ray variations generate a stochastic force noise associated with the test-mass charging process that might limit the LISA performance at low frequencies. We consider the possibility to add to the NGRM a third unit with high count-rate capability for protons (or protons and helium) above 70 MeV/n with a geometrical factor possibly larger than that of the particle detector flown on the LISA-PF S/C (9 cm**2 sr) to study, for instance, the evolution of Forbush decreases with an amplitudes down to 1.5%.

Primary author

Prof. Catia Grimani (University of Urbino Carlo Bo and INFN)

Presentation materials