The RESISTACK sensor consists in a stacking of metallized polymer films acting as a set of resistances in parallel. The total resistance of the detector shows step increases each time a layer is fully eroded (opens “switch”). The detection of these steps allows correlating with AO fluence.
The number and thickness of layers define the range of fluence that can be monitored and the accuracy of detection. Minimum fluence detection is currently 3-4 1020 AO/cm² (with 12.5µm Kapton films). RESISTACK with up to 5 layers have been successfully manufactured using compatible space qualified PCB process allowing:
• low cost (batches of 10 devices)
• low weight (few grams)
• and no consumption while exposed (only during periodic reading i.e. resistance measurement, few 10-100 ohms).
This sensor was validated at ground (AO testing, thermal cycling, vibration planned). It is currently planned to fly aboard the Ageing Material Experiment (ISS/Bartolomeo) with 2 configurations:
• 2D or direct AO detection (facing RAM)
• 3D or indirect detection of secondary AO (after AO reflection on selected materials)
The surface of detection is 1.6 x 1.6 cm² (sensor dimension is 3 x 4 cm²)
The concept and design of this sensor belongs to ONERA (DPHY department) and the development and validation is supported by CNES.