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1–3 Dec 2020
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

In-flight Space Radiation Monitoring: CNES Initiatives

1 Dec 2020, 09:20
Einstein (ESA/ESTEC)






Since more than 25 years, the CNES has led an in-flight monitoring activity within our technology program. This activity is based on an instrument, ICARE, which has evolved over time to fulfill new detection and mission needs. Our approach is PI-driven, in partnership with ONERA. ONERA defines the sensor heads, determines the response functions, and interprets the data. CNES takes in charge the development of electronics and interfaces, realization, integration and qualification, and the level 0/1 ground segments. Missions have been made in cooperation with RKA Energia (MIR, ISS), with the Argentinian Space Agency CONAE (SAC-C, SAC-D), with JAXA within the Jason consortium CNES, JPL, NOAA, EUMETSAT (Jason-2, Jason-3), with EUTELSAT and MAXAR - ex Space Systems Loral (Eutelsat 7C). An overview of the past missions and future plans, and obtained results will be made

Primary authors

Presentation materials