1–3 Dec 2020
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

SOSMAG lessons learned for future Space Weather Investigations

1 Dec 2020, 12:25
Einstein (ESA/ESTEC)




Olaf Hillenmaier (Magson GmbH)


In the frame of the ESA SSA program a four-sensor Service Oriented Spacecraft Magnetometer (SOSMAG) was launched with GEO-KOMPSAT-2A into a geostationary orbit on December 4th 2018. The instrument is designed for magnetic field measurements onboard of satellites which are developed without magnetic cleanliness requirements. The multi sensor arrangement is used for eliminating spacecraft generated AC disturbances onboard, so that corrected data can be transmitted in real time to Earth.
The presentation gives an overview about the capability and limitation of a multi sensor application. We will discuss the compliance of SOSMAG sensor performance, sensor setup and data correction with requirements on accuracy for space weather investigations.

Primary author

Olaf Hillenmaier (Magson GmbH)

Presentation materials