Space Agency and System Integrators: SASI
- Piers Jiggens (ESA/ESTEC)
- Gregoire Deprez (ESA)
Manuel Metz
(DLR Space Administration)
01/12/2020, 09:40
DLR Space Administration through its Department for Space Situational Awareness is active in different areas of Space Debris research and Space Weather. I will present a short overview of current activities in these areas, as well as our involvement in qualification of components.
Nils Pokrupa
(OHB Sweden)
01/12/2020, 10:00
Building on over a half century of atmospheric science and space physics engineering, OHB Sweden has developed a key competence in science-specific smallsat missions. The journey began already in the 1960s with the focus on sounding rockets and balloon payloads from northern Sweden, but evolved in to orbital satellites with the first Swedish plasma physics mission, Viking, in 1986. Since...