Oct 10 – 12, 2023
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Arianespace Thermal Model specification for Thermal Coupled Load Analysis

Oct 10, 2023, 12:30 PM


thermal analysis and software tools Thermal Analysis


Guillaume DAVY


In the frame of Arianespace mission analysis, thermal coupled loads analysis are needed to predict the thermal behavior of spacecraft on ground and during the flight. With the latest and upcoming launchers of VEGA-C and ARIANE 6 it was the occasion to update the technical specification for payload thermal models.

To introduce this new specification, a quick presentation of launcher (Ariane 6 and VEGA-C) thermal environment models will be presented: fairing external environment, convection under fairing, mobile gantry environment, cryo-tank conditions, aerothermal environment during the flight, plume effect. Then, explanations on how S/C thermal model is used in the coupled load analysis will be highlighted: GMM is used for radiative couplings (fairing, natural fluxes…), GMM is also used for convection couplings, power dissipation timeline. Finally, the Arianespace process to accept thermal model will be presented with the new features of the updated “Technical Specification”.

This new specification takes into account S/C manufacturer feedback (increase of maximum thermal nodes number, clarification of the deliverables …) and defines a new “thermal model by launcher” approach. With this new specification, S/C model delivery for thermal coupled loads analysis will be simplified and acceptance tests at launcher Prime level will be improved. As the Technical Specification is in line with thermal modeling standards, only evolutions and main features wrt. previous specification will be presented (e.g. new GMM accepted by launcher Prime, payloads stack configuration, max thermal nodes by S/C mass, thermo-optical properties).

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