Oct 10 – 12, 2023
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

You are invited to propose presentations on the topics mentioned in the introduction. Papers are not required.

Anyone interested in giving a presentation during this Workshop is invited to submit their contribution at
https://indico.esa.int/e/ESTEW2023 according to the instructions below, as soon as possible.

Each abstract will be reviewed by an ESA organising committee against the following criteria:

  • relevance with regards to the workshop programme and objectives
  • the abstract/presentation covers technical developments in space thermal engineering and significantly contributes to the state of the art in the domain
  • preference will be given to work which has not been previously published or presented
  • no commercial/marketing aspects, the abstract/presentation focusing on technical related aspects.

After review of all abstracts received, authors will be informed whether their presentation is accepted on a preliminary basis for inclusion in the programme. When informed about the preliminary acceptance, authors will also receive instructions for the preparation of their final handouts for presentation during the event and inclusion in the proceedings. They will be requested to submit a draft presentation, no later than 13 September, in the Indico system mentioned above. This draft presentation is requested to ensure that the presentation is in-line with the technical scope described in the original abstract and complies with the criteria described above. The organising committee reserves the right to reject the presentation at this stage.

The final programme will be available on the conference Web page prior to the Workshop.

Note that due to the high number of abstracts expected compared to the limited number of presentation time slots available, the quality and completeness of the abstracts will be an important aspect in the review.

To submit an abstract:

To submit an abstract please first of all make sure you are logged in to this indico system, if so your login shows at the top right of the page. If not yet logged in then a login button will show instead in to top right of the page, click that and provide your login credentials or if you are new to the system then create a new login.

The call for abstracts is closed.