Oct 10 – 12, 2023
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Qualification and Applications of Phase Change Material (PCM) Heat Capacitors for Space Missions

Oct 10, 2023, 2:00 PM


thermal control technologies Thermal Control


Mr Nicolas Nutal (CRM Group) Romain PEYROU-LAUGA (ESA)


PCM are materials selected for their high latent heat, which the phase transition (melting and solidifying) at the relevant temperature range is able to absorb and release a large amount of energy. They are usually stored in hermetically sealed container which is thermally coupled to the dissipative unit. Although already existing for a long time and used on several Space missions, PCM capacitors are still regarded as a potential and efficient thermal control solution, not only to cope with launch missions (including several engine re-ignitions, deorbitation), but also for orbiting spacecraft missions, for which thermal control PCM can be an asset. With the perspective of two foreseen flights (HEXAFLY and YPSat cubesat) and the potential use for LEO missions and planetary missions (lander or rover), PCM heat capacitors have recently completed qualification tests and characterisation thermal balance tests.

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