Oct 10 – 12, 2023
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

European Guidelines for Thermo-Elastic Verification

Oct 11, 2023, 9:30 AM


mapping of thermal results to mechanical models and guidelines for thermo-elastic (for thermal part) Thermo-Elastic


Simon Appel (ATG Europe for ESA)


Almost every Scientific and Earth Observation mission is faced with the need for thermo-elastic verification.
The European Space community has been, despite all previous activities to date, lacking commonly accepted guidelines for performing the end-to-end thermo-elastic verification.
To solve this issue, ESA emitted an invitation to tender, in 2020, to the European Community to work for European Methods for Thermo-Elastic Verification (briefly TEV). This project was aiming at supporting the European space community to establish Europe wide accepted and validated methods for thermo-elastic verification and at consolidating these in guidelines.
From 2021 till this year 2023, a consortium of the core partners Thales Alenia Space France and Italia, ATG Europe BV and OHB system AG has worked on the TEV project under ESA contract. The main achievement of the project is a thermo-elastic verification approach that has been established with the contribution of the members of the European Working Group on Thermo-Elastics. This verification approach is the main subject of the presentation.

Primary author

Simon Appel (ATG Europe for ESA)

Presentation materials