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13–14 May 2014
European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

The workshop 
on "Space Radiation and Plasma Environment
Monitoring Workshop" is the fifth of a series of workshops proposed under the auspices of the Space Environments and Effects Network of Technical Competences established to
further cooperation in Europe.
As for other 2 previous events held in 2007 and 2012, the purpose of this workshop is to present and discuss the current research and developments in the area of space radiation and plasma monitoring.

The number of flying or ready to fly European radiation and plasma instruments has increased significantly since the last SEENoTC workshop on the subject in 2012.
Research programmes 
have also made good progresses in investigating innovative technologies and new concepts designs which will allow a substantial reduction of mass, power and data rate budgets compared to traditional instrumentation, whilst providing equivalent or higher detection efficiency.  With many future missions in Navigation, Telecommunications, Exploration, Science, Copernicus domains flying in severe radiation environments and carrying highly sensitive
components and systems, the need for such radiation instrumentation is increasing. Accurate measurements of the plasma and radiation in space plays also a crucial role in improving the currently available environment models and the development of the space weather services required by the Space Situational Awareness programme.