Oct 20 – 23, 2019
Europe/Athens timezone

Geant4 tools in SPENVIS: A user perspective

Oct 22, 2019, 2:30 PM


Neophytos Messios (BIRA-IASB)


ESA’s Space Environment Information System (SPENVIS, https://www.spenvis.oma.be) is providing interfaces to various Geant4-based tools that can be used for supporting scientific studies related to the characterisation of the space environment and its effects. More specifically, the users can employ these tools to verify instrument and detector responses, optimise space radiation shielding, investigate radiation-induced effects on spacecraft components and assess astronaut radiation hazards. Furthermore, SPENVIS and its Geant4 tools are integral part of ESA’s Space Situational Awareness (SSA) Space Weather Service Network (http://swe.ssa.esa.int/) and supported by the Space Radiation Expert Service Centre (R-ESC).

The SPENVIS system contains several Geant4 tools such as GRAS (3D radiation analysis), MULASSIS (1D radiation analysis), GEMAT (micro-dosimetry), SSAT (shielding distribution), MC-SCREAM (NIEL effects in solar cells), MAGNETOCOSMICS (cosmic ray rigidity) and PLANETOCOSMICS (cosmic ray showers). In general, SPENVIS offers a user-friendly interface to these tools so that anyone with no previous knowledge of Geant4 can use them. Nevertheless, working with these tools and understanding their outputs can be cumbersome for an inexperienced user.

The purpose of this talk is to present the SPENVIS Geant4 capabilities to the Geant4 space user community and discuss some challenges that a user might experience when dealing with these tools. The latter could be important feedback for the Geant4 model developers.

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