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1–3 Dec 2020
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

New FGDOS® developments for space dosimetry applications

3 Dec 2020, 09:20
Einstein (ESA/ESTEC)




Mr Bartomeu Servera Mas (Integrated Circuits Málaga S.L.)


Monitoring radiation dose levels in space is crucial, specially with the growing trend on using COTS in space applications. With such a goal, iC-Malaga / Sealicon Microsystems designs and produce integrated dosimeters on-chip, based in its proprietary FGDOS® technology, which allows truly passive (zero power) radiation dosimeter manufacturing in standard commercial CMOS technologies.
FGDOS® technology has enabled the design of highly-integrated, miniaturized and plug&play dosimetry systems, with FGD-02F and FGD-03F as first commercial product examples.

New FGDOS® developments oriented to space applications are specially focused on ultra-low power, and even smaller form factor to make its integration easier in smaller satellites, where size, power and also cost are key parameters.
As an example of these new developments, FGD-04D features 20uA at 2.5V supply (when active) in a 2x2mm DFN6 package. Having dual dose range in passive mode (10Gy and 50Gy) with 8-bit resolution, it is suitable for monitoring radiation levels in small sats for low earth orbit applications.
Extending the measurable dose range in passive mode (zero power) allows having the sensor powered-off most of the time without dose information loss. This translates not only in dramatically power consumption reduction but also in significant TID extension, since FGDOS® sensors are capable to withstand up to 2KGy when irradiated in fully passive mode.

Primary authors

Mr Bartomeu Servera Mas (Integrated Circuits Málaga S.L.) Mr Alvaro Pineda Garcia (Integrated Circuits Málaga S.L.)

Presentation materials