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31 May 2022 to 3 June 2022
Círculo de Bellas Artes of Madrid
Europe/Madrid timezone

Accomplishing PROMISE, PROgrammable MIxed Signal ASIC Electronics Framework

2 Jun 2022, 09:00
Círculo de Bellas Artes of Madrid

Círculo de Bellas Artes of Madrid

42, Alcala Street 28014 Madrid
Radiation-hardened technologies for analogue and mixed-signal ICs Radiation-hardened technologies for analogue ICs


Mr Luis Berrojo (TASiS)


PROMISE project, started at the beginning of 2020, has lived by now more than 2 years of harsh but exciting times of successful microelectronics developments. It has crossed by now the equator of its lifetime. During this time most of the IPs have pass a successful CDR, and the CDR of the Pilot Circuit ASIC, integrating all the IPs, is expected by April this year.

PROMISE stands for PROgrammable MIxed Signal Electronics. It’s tailored to bring a flexible mixed-signal ASIC architecture design ecosystem built on a portfolio of silicon qualified hardened IP blocks to the space community. Moreover, the project is intended to provide a flexible mixed-signal ASIC manufacturing and qualification ecosystem, and will provide a full European design environment for new IPs and mid-range ASIC for space applications.

PROMISE is based on a modular architecture built on the DARE180X/XFAB XH018 0.18 micron Mixed Signal HV CMOS Technology that allows the end users to target both simple and complex applications of Mixed-Signal ASICs such as signal conditioning and acquisition, motion control, signal processing, signal synthesis and others. This architecture pivots around a central eFPGA module that provides extra flexibility during the lifetime of the mixed-signal ASIC.

PROMISE has designed an IP library oriented towards the fast design of mixed-signal ASICs by the suitable aggregation of pre-validated modules with the minimum added specific circuitry. It enables mixed-signal ASIC and ASSP approach. IP reuse will ensure a shortest and secured schedule and de-risk the design hardening for mixed-signal ASIC/ASSP.

During the conference, the details of the current status of the PROMISE project will be presented, along the planned Electrical and Radiation Testing to be performed after Pilot Circuit ASIC Manufacturing.

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