ACT workshop - Looking 20 years ahead

14th Einstein - 15th Earth and Space Meeting Rooms (ESTEC)

14th Einstein - 15th Earth and Space Meeting Rooms


Dario izzo (ESA), Emmanuel Blazquez (European Space Agency), Jai Grover (ESA), Leopold Summerer (ESA)

The ACT is marking its 20 years by looking 20 years ahead, reflecting on the future of space activities via early signs of emerging new capabilities.

Please join us for an interactive workshop and a Space un-conference, where YOU get to decide what talks to deliver/listen to.

Emmanuel Blazquez
  • Wednesday 14 September
    • 09:00 09:30
      Opening and Closing: Opening 14th Einstein - 15th Earth and Space Meeting Rooms

      14th Einstein - 15th Earth and Space Meeting Rooms


      • 09:00
        Welcome by Torben Henriksen 10m
        Speaker: Torben Henriksen
      • 09:10
        Introduction by Leopold Summerer 20m
        Speaker: Leopold Summerer (ESA)
    • 09:30 10:50
      Scientific Crowdsourcing and Open Science 14th Einstein - 15th Earth and Space Meeting Rooms

      14th Einstein - 15th Earth and Space Meeting Rooms


      Opening up of scientific research to allow the free flow of ideas and inspiration between academia and the wider community has greatly spurred innovation. In this session we will draw on this progress to discuss how the space sector can also benefit from the open science approach.

    • 10:50 11:05
      Coffee Break 15m 14th Einstein - 15th Earth and Space Meeting Rooms

      14th Einstein - 15th Earth and Space Meeting Rooms


    • 11:05 12:25
      Drawing Inspiration from Nature 14th Einstein - 15th Earth and Space Meeting Rooms

      14th Einstein - 15th Earth and Space Meeting Rooms


      Life finds a way: biomimetics allows us to draw inspiration from natural solutions to fundamental problems and translate them into new concepts and technologies. In this session we will explore some novel bio-inspired material and computing concepts and the next evolution of the field.

    • 12:25 13:40
      Lunch Break 1h 15m 14th Einstein - 15th Earth and Space Meeting Rooms

      14th Einstein - 15th Earth and Space Meeting Rooms


    • 13:40 14:50
      Fundamental Physics Matters 14th Einstein - 15th Earth and Space Meeting Rooms

      14th Einstein - 15th Earth and Space Meeting Rooms


      Today's fundamental physics lays the foundation for tomorrow's engineering. In this session join us as we journey from the smallest to the biggest structures in the universe and study their surprising relations: 40 orders of magnitude in 40min!

      • 13:40
        Introduction and Motivation 10m
        Speaker: Luigi Cacciapuoti (European Space Agency)
      • 13:50
        Black Holes and other Dark Matters 20m
        Speakers: Gernot Heißel (Advanced Concepts Team), Thibault Lechien (K.U. Leuven), Jai Grover (Advanced Concepts Team)
      • 14:10
        Space-based Quantum Networks 20m
        Speakers: Johannes Pseiner (Advanced Concepts Team), Elsie Loukiantchenko (Advanced Concepts Team), Jai Grover (Advanced Concepts Team)
      • 14:30
        Panel Discussion 20m
        Speakers: Elsie Loukiantchenko (Advanced Concepts Team), Gernot Heißel (Advanced Concepts Team), Jai Grover (Advanced Concepts Team), Johannes Pseiner (Advanced Concepts Team), Thibault Lechien (K.U. Leuven)
    • 14:50 15:05
      Coffee Break 15m 14th Einstein - 15th Earth and Space Meeting Rooms

      14th Einstein - 15th Earth and Space Meeting Rooms


    • 15:05 16:45
      The Spacecraft of Tomorrow 14th Einstein - 15th Earth and Space Meeting Rooms

      14th Einstein - 15th Earth and Space Meeting Rooms


      What will the spacecraft of tomorrow be like? In this session we will look at some breakthrough technologies that may play a role in shaping this vision.

    • 16:45 17:00
      Opening and Closing: Workshop Closing 14th Einstein - 15th Earth and Space Meeting Rooms

      14th Einstein - 15th Earth and Space Meeting Rooms


      • 16:45
        Closing 15m
        Speaker: Dario Izzo (Advanced Concepts Team)
  • Thursday 15 September
    • 09:00 09:30
      The Space Unconference: Welcome & Event Planning Earth and Space Meeting Room

      Earth and Space Meeting Room


      Join us to build a vision of the future! The Space Unconference is a conference where YOU get to decide what's on the menu!
      No preparation is needed, just join us at the event and, should you feel like, propose to moderate a session, else vote and contribute to the topics proposed by others.

    • 09:30 12:00
      The Space Unconference: Morning Session Earth and Space Meeting Room

      Earth and Space Meeting Room


      Join us to build a vision of the future! The Space Unconference is a conference where YOU get to decide what's on the menu!
      No preparation is needed, just join us at the event and, should you feel like, propose to moderate a session, else vote and contribute to the topics proposed by others.

    • 12:00 13:30
      Lunch Break 1h 30m 14th Einstein - 15th Earth and Space Meeting Rooms

      14th Einstein - 15th Earth and Space Meeting Rooms


    • 13:30 16:00
      The Space Unconference: Afternoon Session Earth and Space Meeting Room

      Earth and Space Meeting Room


      Join us to build a vision of the future! The Space Unconference is a conference where YOU get to decide what's on the menu!
      No preparation is needed, just join us at the event and, should you feel like, propose to moderate a session, else vote and contribute to the topics proposed by others.