Oct 10 – 12, 2023
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

The Thermal Design of the Columbus Ka-band Terminal

Oct 10, 2023, 5:00 PM


thermal design (for platforms, instruments etc.) Thermal Design


Fabio Lorenzini (Kayser Italia S.r.l.)


The Columbus Ka band terminal (ColKa) is a communication system, currently installed outside the ISS, that connects the Columbus laboratory and the European Data Relay Satellite system. It enhanced the existing Columbus on-orbit and ground communication systems and created an additional bi-directional Ka band data transmission for the ISS.
The communications system electronics, provided by MDSRL (MDA UK), were accommodated on a platform developed by Kayser Italia, under ESA contract.
The terminal was launched February 15, 2020, onboard the NG-13. Afterwards, it was stored inside the ISS. Before being installed in its final positions, preliminary activities were performed inside the ISS releasing the Antenna locking features and mating the six cables. The terminal was then installed on January 2021 in its final position (outside the Columbus module) via an Extra Vehicular Activity (EVA) during the ISS spacewalk 69 by astronauts Victor Glover and Michael Hopkins. Kayser Italia provided support during this crucial phase.
The Columbus Ka band terminal is currently operating outside the ISS.

The presentation describes of the Columbus Ka band terminal platform thermal design, while introducing also the main challenges encountered during the project.
In particular, ColKa contains a significant number of electronic units, some of which are characterized by narrow operating temperature ranges. Additionally, the power dissipated during the different operating phases can vary significantly. Moreover, since ColKa was installed via EVA, it needed to remain unpowered throughout the entire installation period.
Large radiators were employed to dissipate the substantial amount of heat generated during the most critical operating phases. Meanwhile, a passive heating system was implemented to maintain ColKa's functionality in cold conditions. Dedicated flight support equipment, such as temporary MLI covers, was provided for the installation phase.

The thermal balance / thermal vacuum tests performed at the European Test Services facilities (in ESTEC) are also presented and discussed.

Primary author

Fabio Lorenzini (Kayser Italia S.r.l.)


Mr Alessandro Donati (Kayser Italia S.r.l.) Mr Jan Persson (ESA) Mr Miguel Copano (ESA) Mr Pier Luigi Ganga (Kayser Italia S.r.l.) Mrs Sara Pastor (ESA)

Presentation materials