Oct 10 – 12, 2023
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Thermal mathematical model validation by tests performed in TVAC

Oct 11, 2023, 12:00 PM



Michal Alaszkiewicz (Institute of Aviation)


OBJECTIVE: The role of the Thermal mathematical model is to help in the design of the spacecraft Thermal Control System. Temperature uncertainty must be decreased as much as possible and kept under control, to achieve this whole process must be well thought-out especially validating thermal model via TVAC test. The purpose of this study was to determine steps and measures that allow us to control uncertainty and gain trust in analytical results.

METHODS: The process was analysed for key factors that influence temperature distribution both in mathematical model and during physical tests. Those factors had to be well described, their influence estimated. Each step during the tests was designed to provide the data output that allows for easiest and most reliable correlation with the mathematical model. Mathematical methods and success criteria had to be established for correlation.

RESULTS: Uncertainty temperature margins were established, step by step process has been worked out. Data stets have been created, correlation between test data and analytical model done, differences compared, discussed, and justified. Design loop will be changed to include conclusions from test, processes will be refined.

CONCLUSIONS: Controlling processes that maintain lots of variables imposes strict, well considered steps to achieve method that generates trustworthy results from mathematical models. Such methods allow to decrease development time and achieve higher precision in Thermal Control Systems.

Primary author

Michal Alaszkiewicz (Institute of Aviation)

Presentation materials