Oct 10 – 12, 2023
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


Oct 12, 2023, 9:30 AM


thermal analysis and software tools Thermal Analysis


Antoine Caugant Léa Galeron



Léa Galeron, Antoine Caugant, Mathieu Lepilliez
(Airbus Defence and Space SAS, Toulouse, France)

The presentation will begin with an overview of the two releases of Systema issued the past year, then a segment will be dedicated to the operational validation of the last Long Term Support (LTS) version.

Systema 4.9.2P1 was released last April 2023 to address some issues signalled by users and a new application called Airdrag has been added to the Perturbation packages. This application computes perturbing forces, torques and thermal fluxes resulting from the interaction of the remaining atmosphere particles with the satellite's surfaces.

Systema 4.9.3 has been issued in fall 2023. This new version improves some ergonomic features such as the file selection window or the drag&drop to reorganize shapes at the same level. Moreover the precision of the calculation of orbital parameters (true solar time, true anomaly…) has been improved and it is now possible to change the center of the inertial frames. Some improvements were also performed on the Python API to facilitate the post processing. Thermica also embeds new capabilities such as the export of any real or integer user entities and Thermisol variables in h5 file.

Finally, the adoption of the 4.9.2 version by the Airbus DS thermal community (Toulouse, Friedrichshafen and Stevenage) was performed this year. The methodology and challenges of this transnational software migration as well as the various technical opportunities it generates for users will be detailed.

Primary author


Antoine Caugant Mathieu Lepilliez (Airbus Defence & Space)

Presentation materials