Oct 10 – 12, 2023
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Comparison of Cu-H2O Heat Pipes and Al- NH3 Heat Pipes for external homogenization of an electronic box

Oct 12, 2023, 9:30 AM


two-phase heat transport technology Heat Transport


Dr Annika Hell (Airbus Defence and Space GmbH)


In order to homogenize the temperature distribution over an electronic box, the use of heat pipes is investigated. The operating temperature range is between + 20 °C and + 85 °C. The expected main working range is between + 20 °C and + 55 °C. The total heat dissipation to be transported is 45 W. It is distributed over three locations: Evaporator 1 (top left position): 7 W; Evaporator 2 (top right position): 10 W; Evaporator 3 (Center position): 28 W. The heat is transported to two condenser areas: Condenser 1 (bottom left) and Condenser 2 (bottom right).

Due to the wide specified operating range, a trade-off between Cu-H2O heat pipes and Al-NH3 heat pipes was performed. As it can be looked up in the figure of merit for working fluids, the optimal operating temperature for Cu-H2O HP is above 50 °C and the optimal working range for Al-NH3 HP is up to 70 °C.
The two different heat pipe types differ in the design. The Cu-H2O Heat Pipe is built as an assembly consisting of four L-shaped heat pipes. One HP connecting Evaporator (Evp) 1 and Evp 3, one connecting Evp 2 and Evp 3, one connecting Evp 3 and Condenser (Cond) 1, and one connecting Evp 3 and Cond 2. All four heat pipes are interconnected via the Evp 3 interface by soldering into an aluminium block. The Al-NH3 Heat Pipe are two separate U-shaped heat pipes. The left heat pipe connects Evp 1, Evp 3, and Cond 1. The right heat pipe connects Evp 2, Evp 3 and Cond 2. No direct contact between the left and the right heat pipe exists.
Temperature measurement along the heat pipes were performed at several operating temperatures (20 °C, 50 °C, 75 °C, and 85 °C). In order not to over predict the performance the measurements were performed with a tilt height of 2 mm against gravity. For the operating temperature of 50 °C, tilt measurements (4 mm, 6 mm, and 76 mm (20 ° inclination)) were performed.
As expected, the performance of the Cu-H2O HP increased with higher temperatures above 50°C. The Al-NH3 HPs performed quite well within the defined temperature range, with a decreasing performance above 70°C. However at 85°C the Al-NH3 HPs still transport the specified power. Furthermore, the gradients along the Al-NH3 HPs at high temperatures are still lower than for the Cu-H2O HP Assembly, which is against expectations.
At a vapour temperature of 20 °C high temperature gradients over the Cu-H2O HP are observed (dT = 12 K at the specified heat load). A significant contributor causing the high gradients are the not ideal working point of water. The gradients decrease with higher operating temperatures and reach their optimum working point at around 75°C (dT = 4.4 K at the specified heat load). Due to the split design of the Cu-H2O HP Assembly, the temperature gradient over the Cu-H2O HP assembly is still higher than the gradient over the single Al-NH3 HP’s (dT = 2.1 K) at the specified applied heat load - even at high operating temperatures. As expected, at a tilt height of 76 mm (20° inclination) no operation of the Al-NH3 HP is possible, whereas the Cu-H2O HP Assembly shows only a marginal performance loss.

Primary authors

Mrs Anja Bergs (Airbus Defence and Space GmbH) Dr Annika Hell (Airbus Defence and Space GmbH) Mr Arne Sauer (Airbus Defence and Space GmbH)

Presentation materials