Oct 10 – 12, 2023
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

GSE and characterization of a phase change material heat capacitor

Oct 10, 2023, 2:30 PM


thermal control technologies Thermal Control


Matvei Andreev (Azimut Space GmbH)


Heat capacitors are often used in space application to control temperatures during high transient heat loads or alternating hot/cold periods. Due to their purpose, they are characterized by high thermal inertia. In addition, in order to lower their mass (with respect for example to a similar solution made out completely of metal), they can use materials, such as Phase Change Materials (PCMs), which allow storing and releasing heat via phase change. This causes additional issues in design, such as materials compatibility, durable sealing, and presence of low conductivity materials. In particular, melting/solidifying cycles as well as unit overall through conductance are critical parameters to assess the unit's performances and its usability in a system. These parameters shall be characterized with great precision and therefore specific test setups and procedure have been established in agreement with the client (AIRBUS UK) and ESA.

Primary author

Matvei Andreev (Azimut Space GmbH)


Mr Luca Celotti (Azimut Space GmbH) Mr Riccardo Nadalini (Azimut Space GmbH)

Presentation materials