Key technologies for Space Debris Remediation activities are being developed as part of ESA’s multi-branched Clean Space initiative, aimed at reducing the environmental footprint of the space industry both on Earth and off it.
Clean Space Branch 4 is specifically focused on this work, with the Agency’s future-oriented General Studies Programme playing a leading role in system studies being conducted in parallel to technology development activities, guided by a mission-driven roadmap.
The European Space Agency would like to give you the opportunity to attend our e.Deorbit Symposium.
The focus of the event is to give the space community opportunities to discuss technologies for space debris remediation.
We offer the following opportunities associated with the event:
› Display exhibition material
› Presentation of your technology for the ‘Technology Update’ sessions in the afternoon (15 min)
If you feel able to contribute to this event or would like further information, please contact: Jessica Delaval - jessica.delaval@esa.int
Please note that due to a restricted number of seats we might have to make a selection among the participants. Priority will be given to people involved in the development of technologies for active debris removal of spacecraft.