Thermal Analysis and Software Tools
- Matthew Vaughan (ESA)
Thermal Analysis and Software Tools
- Harrie Rooijackers (ATG-Europe)
- Matthew Vaughan (ESA)
Thermal Analysis and Software Tools
- James Etchells (ESA)
Thermal Analysis and Software Tools
- James Etchells (ESA)
- Harrie Rooijackers (ATG-Europe)
Thermal testing is part of the verification process needed on a space system. This task is time consuming and thus expensive due to both the thermal inertia and the complexity of a system level verification in an environment representative of the flight mission worst cases (vacuum and temperature). These constraints require efficient methodologies and associated tools covering the whole...
The selection and analysis of the thermal worst cases is one of the critical points in the thermal design of a spacecraft. Typically, a limited number of scenarios are sufficient to cover the configuration of the mission and the orientations and orbit conditions when they are simple but in some cases, more specific configuration is needed.
In the case of Proba-3 ESA’s IOD mission, the possible...
The Sentinel-2 mission is part of the EU Copernicus program. Today, it counts two polar-orbiting satellites, S-2A & S-2B, placed in the same sun-synchronous orbit and phased at 180° to each other. Two more satellites are expected to be launched in the near future. Launched since June 2015 for S-2A and March 2017 for S-2B, these satellites provide high resolution and multi-spectral images of...
The Sentinel-2 mission is part of the EU Copernicus program. The Multi Spectral Imager (MSI) is the main instrument of this mission and aims at providing high spatial resolution and multi-spectral images dedicated to the monitoring of land and coastal areas. The instrument owns 13 channels in the visible/near (VNIR) and short wave infrared spectral range (SWIR). Silicon carbide is used to...
ESATAN-TMS provides an advanced thermal modelling environment for the thermal analysis of spacecrafts and launch vehicles. The suite is continually being enhanced to meet current and future requirements of space projects, and to support the specific needs of thermal engineers.
Model parameterisation is a powerful feature to help simplify model definition, making the model more readable -...
The Long-Term Support version of Systema-Thermica V4.8.3 is released and available to users. This new LTS version was warmly welcomed by the users. It includes many features such as the convection module, improvements of the user experience and model exchange features. Minor corrections were implemented in the first patch of this LTS version, the V4.8.3P1, released in fall of this year.
ESATAN-TMS provides an advanced thermal modelling environment for the thermal analysis of spacecrafts and launch vehicles. The suite is continually being enhanced to meet current and future requirements of space projects, and to support the specific needs of thermal engineers.
Post-processing of the thermal and radiative results is a significant part of the overall thermal modelling process....
In the latest years the situational awareness on man-made space debris and the application of mitigation guidelines has grown very rapidly. The need of reducing the global space debris population orbiting in the low earth orbit has led to the necessity of developing new satellite design techniques and drivers. At the satellite end-of-life, the object usually undergoes an atmospheric re-entry,...
In the frame of the creation of a thermal software tool at the FH Aachen a conductive calculator has been established in the form of a MATLAB program. The motivation was the implementation of star coupling links. Generally, the proper calculation of linear conductors is a crucial part of the analysis process and determines the quality of the results to a large extent. For the time being, the...
An interface between the MBSE tool OCDT and the thermal analysis software Thermisol is proposed. Goal of this new interface is to automate and accelerate iteration cycles within early mission design studies, following the new space approach.
ESA - European Space Agency
MBSE - Model Based system engineering
OCDT - Open Concurrent Design Tool
S/C - Spacecraft
The MicroWave Imager (MWI) Instrument is part of the payload complement of the MetOp-SG Satellites type B. MWI is a conical scanning radiometer (scan speed of 45 rpm), with multiple frequency channels covering the frequency range from 18.7 GHz to 183.3 GHz. The MicroWave Imager will provide precipitation monitoring as well as sea ice extent information.
The On Ground Calibration Targets...
When developing a stratospheric balloon mission, the Thermal Control Subsystem (TCS) plays an important role for a successful mission. From a thermal point of view, in this kind of flights the payload faces extreme environmental conditions very similar to the ones found by spacecrafts. At float altitude, radiation dominates heat exchanges with the environment because convection effects can be...
In this presentation, we detail a novel method for coupling thermal modelling tools (Simcenter 3D Space Systems Thermal) with machine learning (ML) algorithms to develop predictive thermal tools for spacecraft simulations. Additionally we utilize a model reduction method to reduce the complexity of the models which can then be mapped back onto the original high fidelity models. The ML are...
As for the thermal simulation of a satellite, its design is crucial. It involves the integration in the thermal and mechanical model of reduced parts of equipment or supports (additive manufacturing) from 3D models finite elements. The goal of the thesis is the drastic reduction of 3D geometric models that minimizes the alteration of the physical properties (here the calculation of the view...