Oct 10 – 12, 2023
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

CoCa - Thermal Design and Analysis of the Comet Camera

Oct 10, 2023, 4:30 PM


thermal design (for platforms, instruments etc.) Thermal Design


Sebastian Wolf


CoCa is visible light range imager onboard the Comet Interceptor spacecraft. Its objective is to provide color imaging of a comet, at a resolution sufficient to determine its structure and homogeneity. The launch is planned in 2029.

A brief introduction to the Comet Interceptor mission is presented, followed by a description of the CoCa thermal design.
The requirements to the CoCa thermal design are to stabilize the CMOS and the telescope’s structure at their design temperatures. Challenges are a wide range of S/C interface temperatures, limited heater power availability and potential Sun illumination.

This presentation aims to provide a general overview of the CoCa instrument and a comprehensive description of its thermal design, analysis, and the future verification plan.

Primary author

Presentation materials