Oct 10 – 12, 2023
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

EarthCARE TB/TV Test in the LSS

Oct 10, 2023, 5:30 PM


thermal testing Thermal Testing


Aydin Cataloglu (Airbus)


The EarthCARE satellite TB/TV test was performed in the Large Space Simulator facility (LSS) at ESTEC, in the period of January 26th, to February 9th, 2023.
The test objectives, the test phases and the requirements for the test environment led to a test setup with an active cooling system for the ATLID PLH’s and a cavity for the CPR main reflector. The test set-up including cooling loop and the facility interfaces are shown in detail. A short discussion on test phases and results follows. Simplification of test flow and the test set-up is also discussed.
Finally, lessons learnt for future testing of large satellites are outlined.

Primary authors

Presentation materials