Nov 22 – 24, 2022
Hybrid Event
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Selected Posters

For MBSE2022 we have selected the following posters:

  1. Progression of MBSE solution for Advanced Digital Ground Segment Engineering (Russell Gibson - CGI)
  2. SysML Customization for Assisted Design Space Exploration (Louis Timperley - University of Bristol)
  3. Lessons Learned: Practical Approach to model-based Verification (Alex Grove - Zuken)
  4. Natural Language Processing and Requirements Engineering for MBSE in Space System Engineering (Paloma Maestro Redondo - RHEA Group)
  5. Model-Based System Engineering with SysML and SPES Methodology (Deni Raco - RWTH Aachen University)
  6. Mirror, Mirror on the Model: A Reflective Approach for Self-Describing Models (Peter Mendham - Bright Ascension)
  7. MIT
  8. IRT Saint-Exupery
  9. University of Lorraine
  10. University of Southampton
  11. free spot
  12. free spot

There is still the possibility to add 2 posters, please contact for more information.

The poster shall be A0 format, there is no specific template.  The information on the poster has to be free of any business sensitive information.

In case you deliver your poster in pdf format via the mbse2022 e-mail to us BEFORE Friday 11 November, the Local Organiser will print it for you, otherwise you have to print it yourself and bring it to the event.