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Nov 22 – 24, 2022
Hybrid Event
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Keynote - ESA satellite development with MBSE

Nov 24, 2022, 8:50 AM
Hybrid Event

Hybrid Event


Mr Pierrik Vuilleumier (ESA)


The prospects of MBSE for developing satellites have raised great expectations. From a project development point of view, some considerations are proposed in the paper for adopting MBSE in the context of a real satellite development. MBSE shall be integral part of system engineering V-shaped life-cycle and shall aim at developing "the right system" satisfying user needs, within cost and schedule programmatic constraint. MBSE shall also fully account for the multi-disciplinary nature, or "trans-disciplinary" nature according to INCOSE, of any satellite system. The Single Source of Truth ideal at the root of MBSE is opposed to the many models already pervasive in many of the engineering disciplines involved in satellite developments, but without bringing the promises of MBSE yet. The term MsBSE, as ModelS Based System Engineering is proposed to capture this diverse state of the art and propose to seek inter-models coherency as the key development direction for MBSE. Finally, some considerations are made towards adopting SysML for the unification, through managed dependancies, of engineering disciplines and their associated models.

Presentation materials