Beginning of 2022 INCOSE has released the Systems Engineering Vision 2035 which succeeds the Vision 2025 from 2014. The vision is intended to inspire and guide the strategic direction of systems engineering for the global systems community. This community includes leaders of organizations, practitioners, students, and others serving this community that includes educators, researchers, professional organizations, standards bodies, and tool vendors. The vision can be used to develop strategies to evolve the systems engineering capability of an enterprise or project. This, in turn, will help deal with the continuously changing environment, be more responsive to stakeholders, and become more competitive. The vision can also be used to help direct investments and support collaborative efforts to advance the discipline and grow the skill base to meet current and future challenges. It provides insights on trends that impact enterprise competitiveness and how systems engineering will respond to these trends, which include the digital transformation, sustainability, smart systems and complexity growth, and advancements in modeling, simulation, and visualization. The presentation will emphasize on the future state and the realization challenges and highlight the aspects of the digital transformation and model-based practices. Some information will be provided on the “Future of Systems Engineering (FuSE)” initiative of INCOSE and related opportunities to contribute and follow.