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22–24 Nov 2022
Hybrid Event
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

MBSE at the heart of the Airbus Digital Transformation

22 Nov 2022, 10:10
Hybrid Event

Hybrid Event


Mr Marco Ferrogalini (AIRBUS)


MBSE has been introduced a bit more than a decade ago and its adoption has been quite slow for many years, especially in not space or defense related industrial sectors. But in the last few years, there has been quite an exponential acceleration because of several factors, mega-trends on digital transformations certainly one of the most important. Here, at Airbus, we have set MBSE at the heart of the new way of working. MBSE will indeed enable us to tackle the much increased complexity of our future sustainable products but also permit us to reach our overall business target in terms of optimization of product together with its industrial system and the support in service.

Presentation materials