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Combined SESP and EGSE workshop:
The Workshop on Simulation for European Space Programmes (SESP) was organised for the first time in 1990 and has since been held on a bi-annual basis. The Workshop on Electrical Ground Support Equipment (EGSE) was held for the first time in 1992. In recognition of the evolving synergy between these two domains it has been decided to combine the SESP and EGSE workshops into a single workshop addressing both domains.
This means that the scope of the combined workshop is extended to cover the design, assembly, integration and test facilities in phase A, B, C and D of the Space Segment. This includes System Concept Simulators, Mission Performance Simulators, Functional Engineering Simulators, Software Verification Facilities, and Electrical Ground Support Equipment (EGSE). An important aspect to exploit is the commonality between these facilities in the area of modelling, simulation and databases as well as methods and tools.
The workshop is an opportunity to increase awareness of new technology, and how it can be applied successfully to support the design and implementation of space projects in a cost effective manner. The workshop also provides ESA with valuable inputs towards the formulation of the goals for Research and Development and to promote harmonisation and standardisation in these rapidly evolving technology domains.