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Outer planet moon - magnetosphere interaction workshop


COVID19: In light of the global Covid-19 outbreak, the workshop will be held as a virtual meeting.


Outer planet moon - magnetosphere interaction workshop

The focus of this workshop is the interaction between the outer planet moons in our Solar System and their magnetospheric environment, in preparation of upcoming missions like JUICE and Europa Clipper.

Suggested topics include but are not limited to:

  • Upstream and local variability of the moons' magnetospheric environments

  • Interaction processes between magnetospheres and moon surfaces and exospheres, including the role of dust and the interaction with irregular satellites (for example Thebe and Amalthea)

Abstracts addressing moon-magnetosphere interaction from all disciplines are welcome, including ground-based and Earth-orbit based observation, simulation results, theory, in-situ and remote sensing data analysis. We welcome results from past missions such as Voyager, Galileo and Cassini-Huygens, and current missions such as Hisaki and JUNO.

  • Abigail Rymer
  • Adam Masters
  • Alessandra Migliorini
  • Ali Sulaiman
  • Andrew Coates
  • André Galli
  • Baptiste Cecconi
  • Camilla Harris
  • Carl Schmidt
  • Cesare Grava
  • Charlotte Götz
  • Claire Baskevitch
  • Corentin Louis
  • Daniel Heyner
  • Devanshu Jha
  • Drew Coffin
  • Edward Nerney
  • Elias Roussos
  • Fabrice Cipriani
  • Fran Bagenal
  • Francois Leblanc
  • Frank Crary
  • Fuminori Tsuchiya
  • George Xystouris
  • Geraint Jones
  • Hadassa Raquel Peixoto Jácome
  • Hans Huybrighs
  • Harry Manners
  • Hongyang Zhou
  • Howard Smith
  • Ingo Mueller-Wodarg
  • Jamey Szalay
  • Jan-Erik Wahlund
  • john richardson
  • Katrin Stephan
  • Kurt Retherford
  • Leonardo Regoli
  • Lina Hadid
  • Lorenz Roth
  • Lucas Liuzzo
  • Marc Schwetterle
  • Marco Pinto
  • Marina Galand
  • Martin Volwerk
  • Mats Holmstrom
  • Matt Taylor
  • Michel Blanc
  • Michiko Morooka
  • Mika Holmberg
  • Nawapat Kaweeyanun
  • Nicholas Achilleos
  • Niklas Edberg
  • Olivier Witasse
  • Philippe Zarka
  • Prateek Tripathi
  • Richard Cartwright
  • Richard Haythornthwaite
  • Ronan Modolo
  • Rowan Dayton-Oxland
  • Sanju Khatri
  • Shane Carberry Mogan
  • Stas Barabash
  • Thomas Greathouse
  • Tom Nordheim
  • Vincent Dols
  • Yvette Marie Gonzalez